There could be several reasons why our site is loading slowly.
Here are a few common causes and solutions:
- Server Performance: Sometimes, high traffic can slow down our server. We continuously work to optimize server performance.
- Large Images: Images that aren't optimized can slow down page loading times. We try to ensure all images are properly compressed.
- Unoptimized Plugins: Occasionally, plugins can impact site speed. We regularly review and update our plugins for better performance.
- Third-Party Scripts: External scripts can also affect loading times. We minimize the use of such scripts to keep our site running smoothly.
If you continue to experience slow loading times, please contact our support team at
Be aware also, at the moment the site is under constant development as we are putting up our initial inventory, stock and putting it through hit's paces, this process can take some time. When it is complete we will be moving the site to more scalable infrastructure in which case, many such issues should disappear.